ITC - an investors dilemma.
ITC is a fascinating stock...near 5 year lows...looks very alluring.
Let's start with the obvious risks:
- ESG.
- Taxes on Tobacco.
- Diworsified with poor capital allocation,declining roce.
- May take a few years for FMCG to become a critical size of profits.
- Illegal Cigarettes which are a growing problem.
- SUTTI stake overhang.
- Vaping can disrupt smoking.
- If Marijuana becomes legal,many smokers may switch.
The Borderline:
- Average growth expected in tobacco revenues.
- No promoter.
- Huge cash pile but management has not been able to deploy it effectively.
- Index stock so ETF's will continue to pour in.
The Good:
- Corporate tax cut beneficiary.
- Possibility of value unlocking via demerger.
- ITC choupal-google for more info.
- Complete Domination:ITC sells 4 out of 5 cigarettes in the country.
- Cigarettes form only 11% of Tobacco consumption and are better than beedi,gutka etc and as affluence goes up value can migrate to cigarettes.
- Cash Machine.
- Good dividend payout(could be better)>60% of profits.
Ultimately everything has a price...consider this:
Base Case:
If the company grows PAT at just 6-7% it can deliver earnings of about Rs25 in a decade(FY30).
At 15 times...370 per share
20 times...500 per share
25 times...625 per share
Cumulative Dividends will be about 100 per share.
Bull Case:
If its FMCG segment dominates multiple can become 25 times to even 40-45 times.
In that case earnings per share can grow faster at 9-10% per annum,EPS can become about 30 in a decade’s time.
At 35 times...1050 per share
50 times...1500 per share
Cumulative Dividends will be about 120 per share.
Bear Case:
Company trades at a single digit multiple.
Earning growth of only 2-3% CAGR means FY30 EPS will be about 16-17 per share.
Cumulative Dividends will be about 65 per share.
It could destroy value and price could be about 120 per share at 7 times earnings.
Even in this case I am assuming that there is no complete ban on tobacco which could be the worst case but let's not go there,not yet.
--------Update(March 18,2020):The company has revised their dividend payout to 80-85% of PAT.

Disclaimer:Please do your own due diligence before investing,no one can predict the future.
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